субота, 7. мај 2011.

Patch Adams

A medical student in the 70's that treated patients, illegally, using humor.

Patch Adams

Patch Adams

Patch Adams is determined to become a medical doctor because he enjoys helping people. Unfortunately, the medical and scientific community does not appreciate his methods of healing the sick, while the actual patients, medical professors, and hospital nurses all appreciate the work *he* can do, because they are unable to do it. Written by Ari Herzog <ari@ici.net>

In 1969, Hunter Adams was a troubled man who voluntarily committed himself into a mental institution. Once there, he finds that helping his fellow inmates there gives him a purpose in life. Thus inspired, he ! leaves the asylum and vows to become a doctor to help people professionally. However, what he finds at medical school is a sickeningly callous philosophy that advocates an arms-length attitude to the patients that does not address their emotional needs or the quality of their lives. "Patch" Adams is determined to find a better way to help them, although the consequences of his defiance of the rules and the authorities are severe. Written by Kenneth Chisholm <kchishol@execulink.com>

Fact-based story of Hunter "Patch" Adams, the founder of the Gesundheit Clinic, a clinic which deals with their patients with humor and pathos. The film starts with Hunter admitting himself as a patient in a mental ward. While there, he found he enjoyed helping the other patients and found the staff to be cold and separative from the patients. Vowing to change things, he releases himself from the hospital and headed to the Virginia Medical College. His unor! thodox methods cast him up against many of the doctors and dea! ns of th e university, despite him getting some of the highest grades in his class. Recognizing that many poor people were not being treated, as a student he formed the Gesundheit Clinic to aid those who were not getting proper treatment at the hospital. However, this brought him up before the Medical Review Board for practicing without a license. Written by John Sacksteder <jsackste@bellsouth.net>

Un'altra grande prova di attore per Robin Williams nell'ultimo film di Tom Shaydac, nel quale si racconta l'incredibile storia (vera) di Patch Adams, prima studente di medicina, poi paziente ed infine medico in un istituto per malattie mentali, convinto della necessit� di dover curare le persone, prima delle malattie. Il film � ispirato alle autentiche vicende del Dr Hunter Patch Adams, fondatore del Gesundheit Institute, nel North Carolina, una clinica specializzata nella cura emotiva e psicologica del paziente, prima che medica. La storia parte dal! le esperienze studentesche di Patch. Il preside della facolt�, Walcott, si oppone alle sue idee strampalate, ma l'entusiasmo di Patch contagia comunque altre persone, fra le quali l'infermiera Joletta e i compagni di corso Truman e Carin. Intanto Patch, con il suo atteggiamento divertente ed eccentrico riesce ad aprire un varco nelle paure dei pi� piccini. Combattendo contro la medicina ufficiale con la convinzione che "una risata � la miglior cura" il giovane rischia la propria carriera, ma riesce, alla fine, ad ottenere appoggi e validi risultati. Arriva anche a fondare l'Istituto che ancora dirige con successo e pubblica, nel 1993, un libro in cui spiega la propria esperienza e le strane ricette che prescrive, a base di travestimenti e palloncini colorati : l'importante � riuscire a stabilire un contatto di simpatia e di fiducia con i piccoli pazienti per poter ottenere positivi risultati clinici. Questa la storia. E pensiamo che non ci poteva essere altro attore in grad! o di vestire i panni di questo personaggio folle, ma estremame! nte deci so e motivato nelle proprie scelte di aiutare il prossimo. Written by rosebud6

Genres: Biography Comedy Drama

Release year: 1998

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