понедељак, 16. мај 2011.


A Witness Protection specialist becomes suspicious of his co-workers when dealing with a case involving high-tech weapons.



John Kruger is a U.S. marshal who is assigned to protect Lee Cullen, who works for the Cyrez Corporation, a company that manufactures top secret weapons for the military. Lee knows about a scam going on within Cyrez Corporation, and the man behind it is determined to silence Lee, because without Lee, the FBI has no case against the Cyrez Corporation. After taking Lee to New York City to hide her, John discovers that his friend, U.S. Marshal Robert Deguerin, is the mastermind behind the scam! Written by Todd Baldridge <sandib@eastky.com>

U.S. Marshal deputy John Kruge! r is one of the toughest Marshals, his methods are to "Erase" The identities of his witnesses he is assigned to protect. Meanwhile, a woman named Lee Cullen who works for a corporation named Cyrez performed an undercover job for the FBI to unveil a top secret weapon which uses an electromagnetic pulse to dispatch targets. Cyrez discovered this about Lee and are now out to kill her, Kruger's job is now to protect Lee so she can testify against Cyrez. But, when Kruger was assigned to perform a job with another Marshal named Robert Deguerin, he discovers that Deguerin is behind some kind of scam that will involve the EM Gun, which will change hands to a Russian criminal if Kruger does not stop them, Kruger must not only protect Lee's life but his own. Written by John Wiggins

John Kruger works for the witness relocation program as a U.S. Marshal. His job is to remove all traces of the identity of any witness in the program and to, as called for, el! iminate threats against any of those witnesses. John works alo! ne and i s the best at what he does. When Lee Cullen, a high level executive with a U.S. weapons manufacturer, turns over evidence of illegal arms deals to the FBI, John is assigned to protect her. But they both soon find that the level of treason extends far past the Cyrex Corporation and into high levels of the government. John and Lee become the target of these money grubbing capitalist pigs and their survival depends upon John's ability to protect both of them. Written by Tony Fontana <tony.fontana@spacebbs.com>

John Kruger works for a branch of the Justice Department call Witness Security or Witsec, that's responsible for relocatibng and protecting witnesses. John's latest assignment is Lee Cullen, who works for a company that's a Defense Contractor, who is selling weapons to enemies of the U.S. When she agrees to get the evidence that the Feds need to take them down, she goes in and does it but was not told by the Feds that she was going ! to have a bullseye on her for the rest of her life. After refusing to be placed in Kruger's custody, some men attack her home but Kruger arrives just in time to save her and relocate. Later when several witnesses under Witsec are killed, Kruger accompanies another Witsec agent Deguerin to save a potential victim, when they get there, Deguerin shoots the killer but also kills the witness, and then plants a photo of Lee in the shooter's pocket. When Kruger sees the photo, Deguerin asks where she is, Kruger intially gives him a false location but while on the plane, Kruger sensing something's not right, calls her, which means that she is suppose to meet him somewhere. Kruger's drugged and when he awakens he discovers that Deguerin is not only working with the people who are trying to sell the weapons but has just framed him for killing another agent. Kruger escapes and gets to Lee in time but unfortunately, he is still a fugitive, so he must try and prove his innocence while t! rying to protect Lee. Written by rcs0411@yahoo.com
Gen res: Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller

Release year: 1996

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