уторак, 10. мај 2011.

The Black Cat

American honeymooners in Hungary are trapped in the home of a Satan- worshiping priest when the bride is taken there for medical help following a road accident.

The Black Cat

The Black Cat

Honeymooning in Hungary, Joan and Peter Allison share their train compartment with Dr. Vitus Verdegast, a courtly but tragic man who is returning to the remains of the town he defended before becoming a prisoner of war for fifteen years. When their hotel-bound bus crashes in a mountain storm and Joan is injured, the travellers seek refuge in the home, built fortress-like upon the site of a bloody battlefield, of famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig. There, cat-phobic Verdegast learns his wife's fate, grieves for his lost dau! ghter, and must play a game of chess for Allison's life. Written by Sister Grimm <srgrimm@teleport.com>

Genres: Horror Crime Adventure Thriller

Release year: 1934

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