недеља, 8. мај 2011.

Full Grown Men

A man stuck in the reveries of his youth tracks down the boyhood friend he once tormented, only to find that simpler times were more complicated than he thought.

Full Grown Men

Full Grown Men

Alby Cutrera yearns for a time when life was carefree and action figures were twelve inches tall. When his wife insults him for being more of a playmate than a father to his young son, Alby heads for safety and tracks down his boyhood pal Elias whose memory of their younger days is considerably less rosy. They set out on a road trip to Diggityland, their favorite place as kids, but simpler times turn complicated as the two friends confront the land mines of their past. Journeying through the Oz of Central Florid! a, they encounter a cast of wounded roadside romantics - a disgruntled ex-theme park employee, a horny bartending clown, and a delusional mermaid - each one shedding light on the perils of not letting go. Full Grown Men is the bittersweet tale of a man who learns the hard way that the best years of his life may still lie ahead of him. Written by Anonymous

Genres: Comedy Drama

Release year: 2006

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